How to Delay a Facelift by a Decade | Parfaire Medical Aesthetics
Empowerment Through Beauty

Hi ,

Have you noticed this trend?

People are getting surgical facelifts later and later – in their late 50s and 60s instead of in their 40s.

And some people who would once have been candidates for a facelift never have one at all.

The reason isn’t that facelifts don’t work.

They’re still the best way to lift and tighten sagging skin, and give you a more youthful, refreshed look.

But you don’t need expensive, invasive, painful surgery to get that result any more…

…At least, not until your sagging is quite severe.

Aesthetic technology has advanced enormously over the past decade.

Nowadays, we can keep your skin high and tight for years before you even have to start considering surgery (if you ever do – lots of our patients hate the idea!).

And you can continue enjoying the same smooth, youthful-looking skin you’ve always had, throughout your 40s and 50s.

The Red Carpet Lift is the perfect “starter facelift”.

It’s the most gentle, least invasive way we have to tighten your skin.

And it works best if your sagging skin is at early stages… But it’s already bugging you.

Suddenly you have jowls that make your face look longer. You worry you’re getting a ‘hangdog look’.

When you look into the mirror, your cheekbones have started to disappear. It feels like your whole face has started to head “south”.

As for your neck – you never used to give it a second thought…

But recently you’ve noticed that the skin is feeling thinner and looking a bit lax.

You’ve started piling on the moisturizer every night, hoping it’ll make a difference… It doesn’t 😞

The change is subtle, but you’re conscious that you’re looking older.

There’s no way you’d consider surgery… But you want the sagging to stop.

Even better, you dream of moving your skin up just a little bit, to where it was positioned a few years ago.

That’s where the Red Carpet Lift come in.

This powerful treatment delivers radiofrequency energy deep into your skin, heating up the underlying tissue and making it tighten straight away.

More long-term, it also triggers your skin to produce more collagen – the key protein which keeps your skin firm, elastic and healthy.

The process is easy. You simply lie back while we glide the applicator over your skin. It feels warm and pleasant, and doesn’t hurt at all (which is another reason why ‘facelift beginners’ love it).

You’ll be amazed as your skin starts transforming then and there!

And since there’s virtually no downtime, you can enjoy the results straight away.

That’s why it’s called the Red Carpet Lift.

Hollywood stars like Kim Kardashian and Chrissy Teigan are famous for using it to give their skin a “pick-me-up” before they make public appearances.

So if you have a big event coming up – or if you just want to look your very best if you’re seeing friends or family for the first time in ages…

…You can get your Red Carpet Lift done earlier in the day, and know you’ll look younger and fresher.

But make no mistake. This is nothing like a superficial, quick-fix facial you might get at a day spa.

This best-in-class, medical-grade radiofrequency device uses a million pulses per second to transform the structure of your skin deep within.

It’s so powerful, we use the same device to tighten skin that’s loosened on your belly as a result of rapid weight loss, pregnancy or aging.

The results of a single treatment last around four months.

And when you do a series – typically between 3-5 – the effects multiply. So not only does your skin tighten even more, genuinely mimicking the effects of a surgical facelift, but the results can last for several years.

Here’s a nice example:

After treatment, our patient looks like several years younger, doesn’t she?

Her cheekbones are much more prominent – like they would be in a younger person…

Her jawline is far more chiselled and defined…

Her neck is much slimmer.

Her whole face looks higher and tighter.

The best part is, she achieved all that without going under the knife, without any pain and without any downtime. And of course, without the enormous expense of surgery.

If those are the kinds of results you’d like too, click here to book a virtual consultation with me today.

We’ll look at your skin, discuss the difference you’d like to see and make sure the Red Carpet Lift is right for you.

I’ll also answer all your questions, and discuss the investment with you – because this depends on the condition of your skin and the exact area we’re treating.

Or call us right now on 626-844-7273, and we’ll get you booked in for your personalized consultation.



PS. Want to see just how easy the Red Carpet Lift is? Check out this video of one of our patients getting her non-surgical facelift – she looks so relaxed, doesn’t she!

Then click here to talk to us about how the Red Carpet Lift can tighten your skin, too.

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