The Sensitive Issue of Hyperhidrosis | Parfaire Medical Aesthetics
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The Sensitive Issue of Hyperhidrosis

Hyperhidrosis Treatment
When you are suffering from certain embarrassing problems, the solution is often expensive and time consuming. One such problem is hyperhidrosis, where people tend to sweat too much. This problem is not something that an antiperspirant can resolve, and avoiding heat and humidity does not offer a real solution.

People often resort to surgery to address hyperhidrosis. For patients who are concerned about sweat patches on their clothing, surgery has been the only way to deal with the problem for quite some time.

However, hyperhidrosis can now be treated with Botox.* Botox offers a less invasive alternative to surgery. Few solutions for excessive sweating are as effective as Botox, and there are many reasons why people choose this muscle relaxant for treatment.*

Reducing Sweat Patches

It has never been an easy matter to hide patches of sweat on the underarms. Sweat glands are particularly numerous in areas such as the palms and the underarms, so these are the areas that are often targeted for treatment.

Using Botox disrupts the function of the sweat glands. This in turn stops the production of sweat, helping patients remain sweat free. This solution does not involve scalpels, incisions, or extended recovery time, so this is one of the most popular methods for getting rid of wet patches under the arms and other embarrassing sweat-related problems.*

What to Expect

The Botox treatment procedure does not involve anesthesia, although topical numbing cream is often applied to reduce any discomfort during the injections.* Because there is no anesthesia needed, this ensures that you won’t be groggy from the procedure or experience any anesthesia-related complications.*

The treatment time varies from 15 minutes to an hour depending on the extent of the patient’s hyperhidrosis.*

No Recovery Process

Because there is no removal of tissue, there is no recovery time needed after administration of Botox, making it a very attractive choice. Some patients may experience temporary redness and swelling, which can be controlled with cold compresses and medications.*

You won’t have to take time off of work for Botox injections. You will want to come in for another hyperhidrosis treatment session in the few months’ time, as the Botox breaks down in the body after a few months.

Choosing a Skilled Professional

Botox treatments are so easy that many patients mistakenly believe that any skill at administering the drug is all that the practitioner needs. However, when you are getting Botox treatments of any kind, be it for wrinkles or for sweating, then you need to consult a doctor.

The doctor should have experience in treating hyperhidrosis with Botox. This ensures that there are no risks to the patient stemming from treatment. Botox injections are completely safe in the hands of a skilled physician.

Learn More at Parfaire Medical Aesthetics

If you are tired of excessive sweating, wet patches on clothing, and body odor, Botox injections can be an excellent solution.* Arrange for a consultation at Parfaire Medical Aesthetics with board-certified physician – contact us today to get started.

*Disclaimer* Any claims of  reducing or stopping sweat cannot be guaranteed. Individual results will vary.

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